She's really becoming her own person ~ laughing & 'talking' much more, expressing likes (and dislikes!). Serafina really is a very good, easy baby. She's happiest when someone is holding her, but is satisfied to sit in her Jumperoo for a bit (while I get Madeleine breakfast, etc). She loves watching her big sister, and Madeleine definitely gets the most smiles. =)
Serafina went through a rough sleep patch where she was waking twice a night, and getting up at 6am, but (knock wood!) I *think* we might be past that. She's now (still) going to bed ~5/5:30pm, waking ~3:30a, and up ~7am (we're trying to stretch it to 7:45, when Madeleine gets up)... fingers crossed. :P now, if we can get that fleabag Bobby to stop meowing in the middle of the night, we'll be all set. ;>
Our neighbors, La Cocina, hosted their annual street food festival 2 weeks ago (~40,000 people came!). What a blast! Fortunately, we hit all the food stands (& random giveaways) early, then relaxed on our front lawn to watch the action. Here we are on our front steps. (One of the rare times Madeleine didn't want her picture taken, hehe! She was probably too busy eating the mini cupcakes Keith & Maulik brought over, LOL!)
of course, just like her sister, Serafina definitely gives those 'Sharkey looks'!!! too funny. She was pretty surly that day ~ probably mad they put the DJ booth in front of our house ~ not that it kept her from napping (i was shocked), but still... ;P
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