Sunday, August 8, 2010

Serafina is 4 months old!!

A rare chance for a 'photo shoot' in July ~ Madeleine actually slept in for her nap, so Serafina & I had an hour to ourselves. Gave her a baby massage (like I used to do with Madeleine before she started running all around), then I took some pictures of just Serafina. :)

As you can see, Serafina's really strong/good at holding up her head & upper body.
And very interested in her hands & holding/grabbing things now.

Thank you again, Sarah, for this cute top! She's a belly baby, so it works out well (in addition to being so cute!).

Just can't get enough of these adorable hats. =)

1 comment:

-Sarah- said...

She is absolutely BEAUTIFUL!!!
I'm jealous of her sleeping habits. That must be so nice!! :)
And I love the top I gave you, I'm so glad you like it too!