Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Serafina is 2 weeks old :)

and doing really well, we're happy to report. Serafina is back up to her birth weight. We're all really enjoying the 'honeymoon phase' of this newborn Sleep (Well!) All The Time! (not to jinx ourselves, BUT) at night she's been going to bed at the same time as Madeleine (6:00/6:30) and only waking up at 10:30pm and 3:00am for feedings. (WISH that would last, but I know better...) She's also sleeping on the go very nicely. We'll all go with Madeleine on her 'Morning Adventure' (to the park, library for Story Hour, Zoo, Academy of Science, etc etc) and Serafina will pretty much sleep through it. Then, have a big nap from 12-3 when Madeleine does. Very nice. Again, I only wish this would last, but I doubt it... :P ah, well. at least we're all enjoying it now. :)

Big Sister Madeleine is also doing well (thus far ~ although still early to jump to conclusions as both sets of grandparents have been here entertaining her AND she's still able to go on her morning outings... ;> Hopefully we'll be able to say the same thing after everyone clears out & the dust settles. Stay tuned. :)

(pictures coming soon)

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