Tuesday, June 2, 2009


We loaded up the family wagon and took this party to Tahoe a few week-ends ago. =)
We took Madeleine 'hiking' ~ we were promised a PAVED hike, the only kind for me!

and along the way, found the perfect vacation home, right on the lake! :P

However, later on we decided to go OFF the paved trail (NEVER a good idea!) and of course, we got a bit more than we bargained for...

ICY cold Tahoe mountain run-off = numb legs! :-O

After all that exertion, Miss Madeleine needed some rehydrating!

Ah, back on the paved trail with "interpretive signs"! =)

We also went biking. :)

(We're trying to prevent whiplash with the blanket around Maddie's head...)

Madeleine got along well with everyone:
Within minutes of arriving, she had Demetrius, well-known anti-child guy, eating out of the palm of her hand, quite literally!

REALLY, guys?!?

Siri gave Madeleine her first haircut! :)

I used food as a distraction ~ worked pretty well.

Ah, Tahoe! We always love being there, enjoying the BEAUTIFUL surroundings

and of course, the TERRIFIC company! ;>

Thank you for ANOTHER great visit, Wendy!!! =)

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