I think (hope!) that the littlest Sharklette is having her 6 week growth spurt because she's been rather fussy lately (don't know where she gets that from! hehe...)
Leave it to my brave sister to tackle (successfully!) a Baby Monster!! =)
...and Wendy was so good at soothing her that they both enjoyed it in the end! :)
Of course, Bobby was glad to get some attention, too! :P
While Wendy & Nate were visiting, Madeleine discovered the animals above her swing for the first time!
...while Big Sister Bobby & I kept a close eye on the Little Swinger. ;>
Of course, no visit by Wendy and Nate is complete without a little bocce in Dolores Park...
...even with Baby! =)
Unfortunately for us, Sharkey and Nate's PLAYING was as good as Wendy, Maddie, and I LOOKED playing, HEHE!!! :P
Hopefully with this early exposure, Madeleine will grow up to be an all-around bocce player: both looking good AND playing 'good'! :P