Here, she's crawling towards her lemur she got from the zoo. (Thank you Sean & Kristin!)
Her newest 'trick' is clapping. :)
I think Madeleine picked this up from Gymboree, which incorporates a lot of singing, movement, & clapping, all of which she loves!
Normally, when I sing/do Toe-Knee-Chest-Nut (Nose-Eye love you) ~ Tony Chestnut Knows I Love You, she gets happy and starts clapping.
Madeleine still loves to meet people/make friends... It actually gets embarrassing at times ~ she's always reaching out to people as if to say, "Help Me, Take me away!"
Nevertheless, Madeleine is still a very happy baby (knock wood!), smiles often, and is beginning to laugh. =)
Big Sister Bobby is still Madeleine's favorite!
Also, Maddie LOVES Bobby's toys; I'm not sure if it's because they're Bobby's or interesting in their own right... perhaps a bit of both.
I love, love, love Madeleine's chubby baby legs, so you can imagine how much I like to dress her in her baby leg-warmers! ;>
Finally, Madeleine's FAVORITE thing is spinning around (so her legs fly out).
I tried to get Sharkey to take a video ~ here's the best we got, complete with cameraman run-in. :P