However, I DID take her 9 month quilt pic on time.
As you can see, Madeleine is still a very happy baby (not to jinx myself!)! :)
Now that we've got these naps figured out, EVERYONE has been MUCH happier. =)
We've been busy getting ready for MY favorite holiday, CHRISTMAS!! =)
I'm happy to report that Madeleine is still quite happy to SIT and play with her toys (& have things brought to her), true Daughter of Sharkey: why crawl when you can sit?!? ;> So we haven't had to worry about having a Christmas tree. =)
As you can tell from the pics, Madeleine still prefers random household things [bottles, paper, tags...] over her Official Toys! :P And her FAVORITE thing of all is... PAPER! (just like Daddy!!)
Madeleine is LOVING her solid foods. She especially loves to feed herself pieces of tofu, avacado, cheese, and zucchini.
Madeleine is also getting to be a BIT neater, but still loves to get the fingers involved in the action, and then spread bits everywhere! :P
And even though she's getting to be heavy for the Bjorn, Sharkey still loves carrying her on her (evening) walks. ;>
In fact, Madeleine went on the swings for the first time (while tucked safely in the Bjorn)!