Sunday, August 31, 2008

Christmas Card photo shoot

On our drive up to Sebastopol for our relaxing week-end, Rose, Bill, and I spotted the PERFECT site for a nice family photo.

Complete with an Authentic Sharkeymobile parked right in front! (How fortuitous!!)

After the obligatory Christmas Card Shot

we thought we'd have a little fun. "OK, guys: Give me Sensuality!"

Clearly, they were BOTH confused! :P

A bit more coaching...

That's my girl, what a good little photo poser! ;>

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Go Blue!

Maddie and Daddy intently watching Michigan TRY to make a comeback...

so close! =(
Next game!

"Uncle" Troy visits again

Madeleine does love her Troy! :P She gets the biggest kick out of him for some reason!
Maddie just woke up from her nap, and Troy knew to take it slow...

...but that didn't last long, LOL! ;>

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Grandma & Granddad visit =)

Grandma and Grandad (Sharkey) came to visit Madeleine this past week. Anyone who knows the Sharkeys, knows a visit from them means 3 things:
1. Good Food!
2. Good Times!
3. LOTS of checks off our To-Do list!!! :P
Of course, this week was no exception!

We started the week off with a relaxing week-end getaway in Sonoma. Rose researched and booked a fabulous house in Sebastopol with beautiful gardens throughout the grounds, AND A POOL & SPA, and a fire pit which we used every night! (Sharkey and I now have lots of interesting ideas for our tiny backyard! :P
Here's Maddie enjoying the gardens with Granddad

And the pool

Hanging out with Granddad in the shade!

While at the pool, Rose discovered a great thing: GOGGLES! Maddie LOVES them more than anything!!

Relaxing in the morning

Rose made up a new game with Maddie: Up/Down, based on Madeleine's love of standing AND of getting lots of praise. ;>

As you can see, Maddie didn't like that game one bit, LOL! ;>

We did manage to tear ourselves away from the wonderful chateau a couple of times during the week-end... we even took Madeleine on a hike!
(No, Wendy, not a paved trail... but close!)

We're not sure if she likes the hike

or ocean...

Of course she likes them! (Maddie's just a True Sharkey and has the Poker Face Feelings down already!)

Upon our return to San Francisco, the Sharkeys immediately sprang into action! (But not Sharkey Sharkey, of course, hehe!) :P
Rose & Bill
fixed (scraped, sanded, & painted) the soon-to-be-rotting posts holding up our deck

they plugged and painted the fireplace hole

Bill replaced a rotting step to the cottage =) (now Michelle can't sue us!)

Rose researched, drove all over SF to find the right materials, AND fixed the peeling wall covering!

Rose also began (much needed!) work on our front and back dirt patches! She planted some lavender and moved around other plants

And we even (FINALLY!) hung Madeleine's princess canopy over her crib! =)

Of course, it's not ALL work and no play at the Sharkey Chateau! Madeleine encouraged Grandma and Granddad to take some time off from their chores to play with her. ;>
Bill made up a Steps Game with Maddie, which she LOVES (and all the praise doesn't hurt, either!)!!

Grandma even got Maddie to do some Tummy Time!

Certainly no trip to SF is complete without a trip to the beach! =)

While enjoying a lovely day and leisurely stroll along the shore,

we almost got totally drenched by a renegade wave! :-O
(This is, of course, a "Fox-5" reenactment, but a pretty good one, I must say!)

Quality time ~ relaxing with Grandma and Granddad :)

Happy Hour! =)

It's hard to say whether it's Sharkey & I or Madeleine who are MORE looking forward to Rose & Bill's next visit!! :)